The Beetle Baffle
The Beetle Baffle is a highly effective barrier system that attaches to your current hive body. It's easy to install, easy for your bees to get around, and a nightmare for small hive beetles!
Starting at $16.50, it is a valuable edition to your hive. Check it out today!
Welcome to our website. ! Our honey production has increased, and we are now selling a lot of honey locally.
The word about our Beetle Baffle is getting out, and all larger beekeeping suppliers in the United States are now carrying or considering carrying it.
We are getting information about the Beetle Baffle out to the USDA/ARS and to universities who are responsible for extension services so they can let their beekeepers know of the Beetle Baffle as a highly effective mechanical barrier system. It doesn't fit in the class with any trap or treatment previously recommended.
Important: Those of you who use the Beetle Baffle and recommend it, we would appreciate your sending an email to that describes what changes you have seen in hive beetles. We'd like to share your success with other beekeepers. This is not about us; it's about giving bees a fighting chance. If you choose to remain anonymous, we'll not include your name but could say, John, from Clemson, SC says.... You may include photos or videos. Then check back a little later to see it posted on our website.
Just so you know, we shipped Beetle Baffles to Australia (again) and already have a distributor in Hawaii.
Please visit our website again soon.
Happy beekeeping!
Haynes Haselmaier
(601) 916 - 2700
from The Haselmaier Company, LLC
Beetle Baffle and the Beetle Baffle logo are trademarks of The Haselmaier Company, LLC. © 2013-2023 The Haselmaier Company, LLC. All rights reserved.